I am not the biggest fan of BBQ sauce, but I wanted to try BBQ Pomegranate Tofu from
Vegan With A Vengeance for Wee G because he’s into that kind of thing. Plus I saw this pomegranate glaze in Trader Joe’s and figured it must be pretty much the same thing as the pomegranate molasses called for in the recipe. It looks like molasses...all thick and syrupy. This is actually the second time I have made this tofu. The first time I made it I found it a bit sickly sweet so this time I cut down on the maple syrup, but I have to say it was still too sweet for me. Wee G agreed that it was too sweet as well, so unfortunately that is the end of BBQ Pomegranate Tofu in our house. The thing is, the pomegranate glaze is yummy on it’s own, so I will need to find some other ways of using it up. I think maybe it would be nice in salad dressing. In the photo we had some stir fried baby bok choy and some Thai Coconut Rice (not the recipe for Coconut Rice from VWaV, but similar). The sauce looks kind of lumpy cos I used crunchy peanut butter instead of smooth.
And a bit of peanut butter trivia: According to
ilovepeanutbutter.com 60% of consumers prefer smooth over crunchy peanut butter. Pah! In the minority again! But at least I can be thankful I don’t suffer from Arachibutyrophobia which is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. If you do suffer from this rare condition then you will be glad to know that for $147 you can find help
here . My advice to sufferers is don’t eat peanut butter...and there’s no charge for that :)
I'm not a huge fan of peanuts but I do like peanut butter as long as it smooth (same with peanut butter cookies - can't eat them if there are little peanut chunks).
I dig both types of peanut butter. The tofu looks yummy!
Lol about arachibutryophobia. Exactly, don't eat it if you are afraid.
Random thought: My friend's dog likes to chomp on a rubber George Bush head filled with peanut butter.
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