Then on Sunday we went out to eat at Sharky’s, a Mexican fast food kind of restaurant nearby. I forgot to take photos, but I had a yummy fajita plate that had spicy tofu, veggies (onions, squash, courgettes), organic rice and beans and guacamole served with flour tortillas. Very tasty and I love that they offer tofu as a fajita/burrito/taco filling.
Mexican Recipe (Serves 2-3)
½ cup brown rice
1 cup water
½ medium onion, diced
2 tsps vegetable oil
1 tsp ground turmeric
1 garlic clove, crushed
½ tsp ground cumin
½ tsp ground coriander seed
2 tsps paprika
1 pinch red pepper flakes
¼ tsp Tabasco sauce
1 green pepper
1 can tomatoes, chopped
1 cup frozen, sweetcorn, defrosted
1 cup cooked chickpeas
Salt to taste
Place rice and water in medium pot. Bring to boil and simmer for around 35 minutes until cooked. In a large frying pan heat oil over a medium high heat. Add onions and pepper and cook for around 5 minutes. Add garlic, turmeric, cumin, coriander seed, paprika and red pepper flakes and cook for another minute, stirring frequently. Add tomatoes, Tabasco, sweetcorn and rice and stir through until heated thoroughly. Add salt to taste.
Increase Tabasco and red pepper flakes if you like it spicy.
Serve topped with avocado/guacamole or vegan sour cream and chopped fresh coriander (cilantro).
Mmm... sometimes I really crave Mexican food! When I was in Southern CA, there were so many healthy Mexican restaurants to choose from, I got really spoiled! Your recipe just reminded me that I have an avocado that needs to be used.
Looks delicious.. avoacdo makes everything over the top.
I really like Mexican food. How cool that tofu is an option. Here, if you don't want the meat, they sub beans, which is great, but another choice would be nice. If I make tacos, burritos, etc. at home, I usually use tofu. I could really go for a "bucket of chips & salsa" right now! Only $2.49!
That's so great to know that Sharkey's has tofu! I love Mexican food. :o)
Isn't it funny how you go through kicks on food? I was on an Indian kick and then Mexican this weekend too. Your rice looks great.
The Mexican Rice looks yummy and very colorful too. Your dinner out sounds great. That rocks you can get tofu as an option. Where we used to live, there was a vegan-friendly Mexican restaurant but we haven't found one here yet.
Love that mexican rice- looks so colorful & fresh with that avocado on top- yum.
Ole'! How COOL they serve tofu there at ol' Sharky's! I'm very impressed. I looooooooove Mexican rice. Nice to add the sweet corn and chickpeas. Beautiful, S.V.!
bazu, there are tons of Mexican restaurants where we live...it's great!
melody, thanks!
carrie, Most places here will offer beans too, but I don’t really eat beans so it’s great to have tofu as an option.
vicki, there are quite a few Sharky’s in California…so next time you are here you should try one out!
midwest vegan, perhaps I will go on an Indian kick next too! I am in the mood for some Indian!
Emmy, I hope you find a vegan-friendly Mexican place soon!
vko, I think the colourfulness is the reason I love that rice so much!
kleopatra, it is so cool that Sharky’s sell tofu! If only everywhere else did too! :)
Oh how I love Spanish rice. I am glad this is a small recipe. DH does not like it so it is up to me to eat it all! That is not a problem.
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