This is from Vegan With A Vengeance. Isa says you will make this at least once a week, and I would if only I could get Wee G to eat it once a week. I won’t tell you what he says it looks like, but he’s not a fan, let’s put it that way. He won’t touch it, but I guess that means twice as much for me :) I don’t bash up the chickpeas too much so my gravy is quite lumpy and thick. In fact I don’t really think of it as gravy as such, more like a super thick sauce. I use half the recommended amount of soy sauce (in fact I usually use tamari or Braggs instead). When the recipes calls for a “pinch” of each spice I actually measure it out as ¼ tsp which is probably a lot more than intended, but that’s the way I like it and it works out yummy! Byt the way, that’s some steamed spinach lurking behind the potatoes in the photo, in case you were wondering.
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