We made Sundaes using some of the brownies from the other day. The photo is not too good...i was more concerned with eating the sundae than taking photos!! I heated the brownies in the microwave a little then added some Whole Foods Vanilla Soy Cream (soy ice cream), some hot fudgy chocolate sauce (recipe below) and topped it off with some Soyatoo and some frozen cherries (defrosted). This is the first can of Soyatoo that I have ever bought. I just bought it because I saw it in the store rather than because I really wanted any kind of cream replacement. I think the flavour is nice enough...tastes more like air than anything else :) But it’s good for decoration more than flavour. You may be thinking that the sundae is quite big, well we had one each and neither of us managed to finish them. As usual my eyes were bigger than my stomach and I only ate just over half of mine. It was really scrummy, but it was just getting too sickly sweet by the end. Maybe I will learn my lesson and make it smaller next time...probably not!
Hot Fugdy Chocolate Sauce Recipe (serves 2)
This is based on a sauce that my mum used to make years ago. It’s really fast and easy to make and is great with ice cream.
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp margarine (I use Earth Balance Whipped)
2 tbsp maple syrup/golden syrup
Place all ingredients in small pot over medium heat. Stir frequently until margarine is melted and ingredients have blended together. Do not boil. Serve immediately.
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